Saturday, April 14, 2012

Let's burn some sugar! Caramel Sauce...

People had consistently asking me how NOT to burn the caramel sauce.  Truth to be told... it's easy... just let it BURN (to a certain degree, of course), baby... That's where the favor comes from!  No, really... I understand that watching your sugar "burn" is a scary process, especially we had been taught that "burning" is BAD.  So I took step by step photo for this, and hope this will help. :)

Caramel Sauce

8 oz Sugar
2 oz Corn Syrup
1 oz Water

6 oz Heavy Cream

  • Place sugar, corn syrup, and water into a 10" pot (yes, TEN inch!).  Give it a quick stir to make sure all the sugar is wet.  Use a little wet brush to brush down the sugar on the side.
  •  Cook the sugar in medium heat.  As the water cook off, sugar will started to bubble.  Your pot of sugar should look something like this

  • Keep cooking until your pot started to turn color and you may turn the heat down if you are not comfortable continue at medium heat.  If you add cream at this point, this is called the golden/blond caramel.

  •  Cook the sugar to dark amber color, turn the heat off 

  • Add cream SLOWLY.  IT WILL FOAM!!  Gently stir after each addition, until all cream is added.  Return the pot back to heat to melt down the seized sugar.   Let it cool in a heat proof container then place in a air tight container & refrigerated up to 2 months!